• Stress Levels in 2024 Rising to a Dangerous Point
    with 52% of employees reporting high stress levels. This alarming trend is not just a personal issue but a business one. It's compromising productivity and longevity, which are crucial for Read more
  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month
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  • Someone You Ought to Meet
    I had the pleasure of connecting with a remarkable colleague, Anthony, who works as a Recovery Coach in Canada and the U.S. Anthony’s exceptional background and life experiences have given Read more
  • Hypnosis and Your Immune Ststem
    The immune system protects your body from disease and keeps your cells healthy. It usually does an excellent job without help but sometimes needs help to be completely effective. Stress can interfere Read more
  • Is Your Workplace Toxic
    According to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly 1 in 5 employees state that their workplace is somewhat or very toxic. Arthur C. Evans, the Read more
  • Dangers of Heal Stress
    For the past nine days, the temperature has been over 110°F, and over 100°F for the past nineteen days. My wife and I have had some close calls in the Read more
  • Other Healthcare Professionals -- Monica
    One of my trusted partners is Monica Kahio, a professional personal environmental specialist. Here is all her contact information. There is no need to go through me to get the best Read more
  • Ageing With Prescriptions
    Because there are only two ways for the body to cleanse itself of toxins, it is critical that as we age, we must take care of those cleansing systems. One Read more
  • CDC Emergency Information on Men's Cancer
    I just received an email from the CDC regarding cancer and men. Men seem to be more prone to getting cancer than women, and more men than women are dying Read more
  • Duty to Inform
    This blog is somewhat different from all the other blogs I have posted, but it is necessary for several reasons. Let me lay out the personal context of what I Read more
  • Good Reasons to Keep Smoking
    We have all heard all the reasons to quit smoking drummed into our heads for years, yet people continue to smoke. They continue because they had good reasons to start Read more
  • Better Golf, More Fun
    Several years ago I called an acquaintance and asked how I might coach golfers over the phone to play a better game. He asked me, how I could do that. Instead Read more
  • Staying Connected With Customers or Clients
    When I was a Realtor in California, I wanted to be able to call my clients and potential clients every 30 days and let them know I was available to Read more
  • I'm Different From the Average Coach
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  • Hypnosis Reappraised
    I have had several people contact me and ask if hypnosis can help in a variety of circumstances. My position on the efficacy of hypnosis on a plethora of issues Read more
  • It’s About Time
    Many people make New Year’s commitments to make changes in the new year. Lose weight, stop smoking, get a better job, save money, or whatever they might have thought about Read more