Good Reasons to Keep Smoking

We have all heard all the reasons to quit smoking drummed into our heads for years, yet people continue to smoke. They continue because they had good reasons to start smoking that are stronger than the reasons to quit. So, this post is NOT for smokers, but for the caregivers and potential caregivers of their smoking relatives. Here is some information for you so you can prepare yourselves for the inevitable care smokers may need.

“Recent research has shown that provokes white blood cells in the central nervous system to attack healthy cells, leading to severe neurological damage a compound in tobacco products. 

But again, you’re not out of the woods simply by using alternative tobacco products. Chewing tobacco, for example, carries the same inherent addiction pattern seen in cigarettes. Not only that, according to the Center for the Advancement of Health, the nicotine in smokeless tobacco reduces an individual’s ability to perform complex tasks that require hand and body movements to adjust to new visual feedback.

To put it simply: don’t use tobacco, in any form. It will damage your entire life, including your brain. If you do use tobacco, it is imperative to your health that you find resources to help you quit. (West, J, 2023 YouthfulBrainBlueprint-Ebook-min2 )”

You may become more forgetful or not be able to think as quickly as you did when you were younger. But if you smoke, you may experience faster cognitive decline than nonsmokers (West, J, 2023 YouthfulBrainBlueprint-Ebook-min2 )”.

"Smokers also have an increased risk of dementia, a condition that can affect memory, thinking abilities, language skills, judgment, and behavior. It may also cause personality changes.

“A 2015 research review looked at 37 studies comparing smokers and nonsmokers and found that smokers were 30 percent more likely to develop dementia (”

“Smokers show an increased risk of dementia, and smoking cessation decreases the risk to that of never-smokers (”

If you want more information on the best way to have your smokers quit, call me at 559-285-0784 or check out