
You can choose from any of our science-based programs designed with your best interest in mind. Here are some of our very popular programs:

Academic or athletic enhanced performance, easier test-taking, better recall, and overcoming athletic or mental slumps.

1. Smoking Cessation
2. Weight Loss and Healthy Nutrition
3. Stress Management
5. Custom Programs tailored to your needs

There are more than 100-issues that Hypnosis can help or cure. Please make an appointment to talk with us about YOUR wants and desires. If you had a magic wand and you could make the changes you want what would your world be like tomorrow?  The consultation is free, you have nothing to lose except the things blocking you from your goal.

Here are the lasting overall success rates of some different therapies:

  • Hypnotherapy had a massive 93% success rate after only 6 sessions.
  • Behavioral therapy of only a 72% success rate after 22 sessions on average.
  • Psychotherapy and only 38% success rate after an average of 600 sessions (Barrios, A. A. 1970, p. 5).


Barrios, A. A. (1970). Hypnotherapy: A reappraisal. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 7(1), 2–7.

We help with Self Esteem and Self Confidence issues, Weight Loss or Gain, Fears and Phobias, and we also accept Medical Referrals. Recently we have added HIPPA compliant conferencing through telehealth video.

Our tailor-made programs are individually designed to give you a personalized solution to whatever you want to improve in your life.

Based on our client’s feedback, telephonic sessions are better than going into an office. Here’s why:

You don’t have to dress up! Most of our clients are happy they don’t have to get dressed for a session anymore. You can enjoy the session from the comfort and safety of familiar surroundings, such as your home.
You can avoid the hassle of traveling to us and back home. Save time and money on the commute and no need to fret about refocusing your attention in order to commute back.
You can actually spend more time in the state of reverie after each session.
There isn’t a need to “snap out of it” and get back to functioning right away. You can spend more time reflecting and integrating subconscious and conscious information.
You get flexible session appointments and hence an overall convenient and easy experience.

With Macy’s Hypnosis and Success Coaching, you learn to utilize mindfulness. Our clients have shown impressive results with self-hypnosis and self-talk. We offer a 30-minute Free Consultation for your first appointment.

Enhance your personal development using our hypnosis or coaching programs. Choose the one that fits your needs and discover the new you. 

As always, we offer a no-cost 30-minute Discovery conversation to help you make an informed decision.

Two of the most popular programs


Smoking Cessation

Do you know it is possible to successfully quit smoking? In our scientifically designed Smoking Cessation Program, you can become a non-smoker for Life!

No patches, prescriptions or gums. All without Side-effects! Our program is specially designed to utilize your powerful subconscious mind.

Just like any other habit, the smoking habit can be broken. We have developed an effective solution to help you completely eliminate this unhealthy habit from your life.

You can benefit from Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as taught by Gary Craig. You will experience your body recovering from toxins and poisonous chemicals within 24 hours.

Weight Loss


We understand how frustrating it is to be on the lose-weight-yo-yo, losing weight, gaining it back. We have a permanent solution for your life-long weight control.

How to decide if you need our Weight Loss Program:

  • If stress leads you to overeating
  • If your willpower is weak
  • If your coping mechanism involves eating excessively
  • If you feel guilty after every episode of indulgence and still can’t help it.
  • Eating only cures one thing ̶ HUNGER!
  • We will suggest what Self-talk recordings will fit your progress.
  • Weight loss is about motivation and commitment.
  • Losing weight is not about eating, exercising, or fad diets. It is about resetting your subconscious mind controls to allow you to reach your ideal weight. 

In our program:

  • We expect you to commit to a 3 to 6-month program (after all, you didn't gain all your unwanted pounds overnight) to achieving your ideal weight. You didn’t gain your excess weight overnight and it wouldn't be healthy to get rid of it overnight.
  • We will provide Accountability Coaching support between your sessions to ensure your best follow through, help you track your dietary accomplishments, to create a permanent weight loss (no more yo-yo loss and gain).
  • We will celebrate your successes with you.
  • We will contact your healthcare professional for a referral from that professional at no cost to you.
  • We may provide you with a supportive hypnosis recording for daily listening.
  • We do not practice medicine, but we do work with your doctor to provide real results.

Please commit yourself to:

  • Regularly listen to Self-talk recordings every day for 15 minutes
  • Sign up for, an app that helps you track your caloric, carb, protein, and fat intake.
  • Retrain your brain (this is what you will do in your hypnosis sessions) to become slimmer, more energetic, and live a healthier lifestyle.

IndividualB2B Wellness and Benefits

Our Wellness and Benefits program is specifically designed for our B2B clients on-site. We work with businesses through the Human Resources Departments to provide consultation and coaching sessions to employees during or after their shift hours. Each program is designed to be 90-minute long.

These programs are intended to work with the business’s health insurance to reduce the insurance premium costs to the business

Our popular programs offered to individuals and business include:

B2B Wellness and Benefits programs:

  • Smoking Cessation,
  • Workplace Stress Management,
  • Weight Loss Programs, and 
  • Mindfulness Programs

Our individual Programs include:

  • Smoking Cessation
  • Weight loss
  • Self-Esteem
  • Overcoming fears and phobias
  • PTSD
  • Past Life Regression
  • And More!

We would love to have a session with you in person, but we value your safety and physical health. Macy’s Hypnosis and Success Coaching has developed and has used distance sessions over the phone since 2013

We care for your mental and physical well-being, and, as much as we enjoy in-person sessions, we want to minimize your chances of contracting the novel virus Covid-19. Therefore, all sessions are by phone.