The American Psychological Association offers FAQ’s similar to the following:

Absolutely not. You cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do.

No, hypnosis is a state of mind that you allow yourself to go into. It can be and is learned. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotist is a guide to help you achieve that focused state of mind.

This is not true. Research has proven that many people can be helped by hypnosis and many of the more intelligent prole are better at going into that mindset.

No, hypnosis is something like daydreaming. You can never get stuck and since you allow yourself to go into that mind-state, you can bring yourself back out whenever you want.

No. During hypnosis, a person is not asleep or unconscious. The person may feel relaxed but he or she is an active participant during the entire session.

Most people describe the experience as relaxing, peaceful, absorbing, different, or comfortable and focused. Hypnosis does not have a feeling any more than a person would say, “I feel like I am watching TV” when watching TV.