Is Your Workplace Toxic

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly 1 in 5 employees state that their workplace is somewhat or very toxic. Arthur C. Evans, the CEO of the APA, expressed concern about the number of people facing a toxic work environment without any safeguards against harm. He emphasized the need to create a positive work environment for all employees.

The survey revealed that those working in toxic environments were over three times more likely to experience harm to their mental health compared to those in healthy workplaces. About 52 percent of people in toxic workplaces reported mental health issues, while only 15 percent in healthy work environments did the same.

Overall, 22 percent of all workers stated that their mental health had been negatively affected at work, and an equal percentage reported experiencing workplace harassment in the past 12 months. This marked an increase from the previous year when only 14 percent reported harassment at work.

The prevalence of toxic workplaces varied by industry, with customer service, client, or patient-related jobs being more susceptible to verbal abuse. Workers in manual labor and office jobs also faced verbal abuse, but manual laborers were more likely to report experiencing physical threats.

The poll was conducted from April 17 to 27, with 2,515 employed adults participating, and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points at a 95 percent confidence level.

If you are suffering from your work environment, call me for a consultation. I can help.559-285-0784