CDC Emergency Information on Men's Cancer

I just received an email from the CDC regarding cancer and men. Men seem to be more prone to getting cancer than women, and more men than women are dying from this disease. The CDC suggested that some factors, such as aging, cannot be avoided. Still, there are many lifestyle factors that each of us can control. The CDC’s first recommendation is to quit smoking, or as I prefer, “to become a non-smoker for life.”

What is the difference? Usually, when you quit something, there is a trail of breadcrumbs leading back to everything you enjoyed before you quit (anything). However, when you become something, you are on a new path to becoming something more than you were before.

The CDC does not suggest other changes, possibly because smokers are at most significant risk of infusing their bodies with poisons and toxic chemicals than virtually any other habit the researchers at the CDC could imagine.

Here are some other things that can lead to a cancer invasion in your body. These are not listed in any particular order of importance.

Problem: Ingesting or absorbing other toxic chemicals in what we inhale, eat, or drink.


  1. Grown your veggies or buy Organic. (Yes, organic is more expensive than chemically enhanced veggies,e.g., sprays and insecticides, but you may find that organically grown foods are less costly in the long run since organically grown foods will give you more nutrition bite-for-bite than the typically farmed crops).
  2. Reduce smoking marijuana. Recent studies are revealing the harmful effects of marijuana usage.
  3. Reduce or illuminate alcohol abuse. This reduction does not mean abstinence but moderation unless you are an alcoholic.
  4. Invest in air scrubbers to help eliminate the toxins we inhale with every breath we talk.

Problem: Failure to manage stress and frustrations in your life.


  1. My favorite (because it works) use hypnosis and self-hypnosis to manage stress and frustrations.
  2. Psychotherapy is slower and possibly more expensive, but over a longer time than hypnosis may lead to a resolution and management of stress.
  3. Getting away from your everyday life routines, e.g., vacations, weekend getaways, or possibly a date night with someone you love.

Richard Nongard, in his book Medical Hypnotherapy: Techniques, Scripts and Processes

for Effective Hypnosis and Healing (2012), stated,

Hypnosis is not an alternative or complementary idea that has some uses with

some medical clients. Hypnotherapy is in fact a first-line intervention. With some

medical conditions, it is in fact the preferred method of helping clients to achieve

success, wellness, and contentment. (Chap 1).

To discuss what you want to change call me at 559-285-0784 for a free consultation.