Why use Hypnosis? 

Remove triggers using your Connected-Mind

With my nurturing help you can become the master of your triggers instead of being a slave to them.  Your memories, fears, beliefs, and perceptions shape your decision making and influence the direction of your life. You can give your life a new direction by harnessing the power of your connected-mind.

Now you can connect and control your memories, reactions, phobias, fears, likes, dislikes, behavior, habits, and even your personality. Imagine becoming the person you dream of being. 

Now, you have the control in power to make the changes you want to make. Ask me about the higher-self that can give you the insights and healing you want.

Imagine overcoming and curing physical issues you thought were impossible. Imagine improving the outcome of dreaded diseases like cancer, stroke survival, and more. You have the ability to rewire your brain to work the way you want it to. 

You have the outcomes in your power. Learn how to be in control. Call or set an appointment. Let's have a chat and let me answer your questions. 

The brain is not the mind. Use your mind to change how the brain connects with your body.

Who uses Hypnosis?

Some examples of who uses hypnosis

Basketball Greats:

  • Kobe Bryant
  • Shaquille O’Neal
  • Michael Jordan

Well known Golfers:

  • Tiger Woods
  • Jack Nicklaus and many, many others

Sports Teams too:

  • The 1983 Chicago White Sox.
  • The 1960’s Swiss national ski team
  • Members of the 1982 U.S. team competing in the Atlantic Judo Championships…

Here are the lasting overall success rates of some different therapies:

  • Hypnotherapy had a massive 93% success rate after only 6 sessions.
  • Behavioral therapy of only a 72% success rate after 22 sessions on average.
  • Psychotherapy and only 38% success rate after an average of 600 sessions (Barrios, A. A. 1970, p. 5).


Barrios, A. A. (1970). Hypnotherapy: A reappraisal. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 7(1), 2–7. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0086544

How does Hypnosis help?

Hypnosis can result in effectively curing a variety of issues including


Becoming a non
smoker for Life

What's in it or you?

1-Closing the door on smoker's cancer
2-More quality time with family
3-More huggable and kissable
4-More money to spend on new things
5-More vacation money

Let's Get Started


Successfully manage
your weight:

What would you gain?

1-Be healthier
2-Feel better
3-Be appreciated
4-Be in control
5-Extending your palette.

Let's Get Started


Heal your

1-Feel  better about yourself
2-Be confident
3-Be unstoppable
4-Be in
5-Be successful

Let's Get Started


Heal your

1-Control ADHD
2-Stroke Survivor – Rewire the brain
3-Move beyond PTSD
4-Win against Sexual abuse
5-Remove Addictions

Let's Get Started

Your memories, fears, beliefs, and perceptions shape your decision making and influence the direction of your life. You can give your life a new direction by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind using hypnosis you can deliver or perform desired actions and get positive results. Learn how you can use your connected-mind.

Certificates & Verifications

I am a member of  the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)


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